珍惜食物和水(網路轉載分享) My great friends let this not come to you as網友你好 希望這份檔案不致造成你的 a surprise, 驚訝 but it's real內容都是真實事件 have them living around us and現在就發生在 in our neighbourhood today,我們週遭 we can change it with prayers, and 大家可以用祈禱來幫助他們 always lending a helping hand to those in need.更重要的是伸出援手給他們實質的救助 thank NATURE for food and water that they already have. 感謝上蒼 讓我們享有食物和飲水 This is one more reason 另外 why we have to thank God for the food that 我們要感激上蒼 we can have easily…支票借款因為我們要有食物  實在太容易啦 But in the other hand... ironically,所以  we still waste the food that we buy.我們不可以糟蹋食物 I feel very GRATEFUL for我們應該感恩 what I have today...對於現在所有的一切 We are so Blessed for the wonderful works of 因為 我們深受上蒼賜福 NATURE's hand in our life today,以及大自然母親的照料 just think of this....原因是  看看下面.... "I felt very fortunate to live in this part of the world. 我們應該要為能活在現世 而感到幸福 I promise I will never waste my food no matter 不管怎樣 我們以後不要再浪費食物 how bad 信用貸款it can taste and how full I may be.那怕是 廉價 不好吃的東西 I promise not to waste water. 同時 我們再也不要浪費飲水 I pray that this little boy be alleviated from大家來為下面這個兒童  祈禱 his suffering.祈望他能 脫離苦海 I pray that we will be more sensitive towards the suffering祈禱上蒼 讓我們能多感受到 in the world around us and發生在我們週遭這些苦難訊息 not be blinded by our own selfish nature and interests.能用良知去體認  不要刻意忽視或裝作無睹 I hope this picture will always serve as a reminder to us下面這張圖  希望能提醒我們 about how 馬爾地夫fortunate we are and大家的生活是多美好 that we must never ever take things for granted.更不要錯誤認為  今天享有的一切  都是應該的 Think & look at this... when you complain about your food and the food we waste daily..." 以後 再也不要抱怨我們食物不好或浪費食物 MAY ALL HUMAN BEINGS BE FREE FROM SUFFERING!!!!期望人類都能離苦 PLEASE,MY GREAT FRIENDS, DON'T BREAK THIS CHAIN, KINDLY SEND IT TO SOMEONE YOU LOVE, TO ENABLE HIM OR HER SEE WHAT NATURE HAS DONE IN HIS/HER LIFE COMPARED WITH THESE KIDS' DEPLORABLE CONDITIONS.希望這檔案  不要只傳到你手中禮服就中斷

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